Monday, June 27, 2011

The Adventure Begins

Tomorrow, June 28, 2011, is for me the start of a new adventure and there have been a few.

I will begin my fight against cancer with one tumour in one lung and its two friends in the brain.

And I will win this.  I will win because I'm determined, always optimistic and I am inspired by the courage of those ahead of me who have fought cancer, including my wife who survived breast cancer twenty years ago, and those who are fighting still.  I consider myself privileged to now be in their company and wish every one of them long life and happiness.

I am a lucky man.  The support from my family and friends is as tremendous as it is humbling.

And I am lucky again because I am being treated in the Hospital Clinica Benidorm in Benidorm, Spain.

In this superb hospital I have found safety and enormous hope. The staff, all of them, are the most professional, caring, optimistic, dedicated and warm-hearted people one could ever be lucky enough to meet.

Well, I would say that but trust me, after weeks and weeks of scans and tests they have given me honest, straight facts, leaving me with no illusions about their skill and my prognosis.

With their dedication driving my determination, together we will win.

Now the radiotherapy on the head begins.  The road to recovery is clearly sign-posted.

My new motto, stitched to my hat is "FIGHT - WIN - LIVE".  That is what I intend to do.

So please stay with me here.  This is a Blog of Hope, not one of despair and although I will keep you posted, it won't always be about cancer.

Thanks for reading this.

Stay safe.

Bob McG

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