The Moors and Christians festivities finale this weekend in our village. So good to see people forgetting all that might be getting on their nerves and just having fun. I have to say that living in Spain has certainly taught me that having fun coupled with the Spanish ability to enjoy life are real assets.
Leading up to this weekend my radiotherapy continues at Hospital Clinica Benidorm where the warmth and gentle humour of the staff and their dedication are an inspiration.
My fellow patients are marvellous. Every day the greetings are warmer, the unspoken understanding between us all of varying nationalities so obviously genuine. These good people have a true courage well beyond mine.
And now, back to my old newspaper in Fleet Street many years ago. As I've said before, journalists can be a strange breed prone to being quite ridiculous when the muse grabs them.
One madman calmly walked to a desk in the newsroom one afternoon, hid under it for more than hour until we all forgot he was there, and waited.
About an hour later a hapless and beer befuddled reporter returned to that desk, his, and sat down. It was just at the point that the hidden hack bit him on the leg . The surprised one leapt into the air in deranged shock coupled with a blood-curdling scream that silenced the newsroom for a second, and himself narrowly escaped a heart-attack. We actually produced newspapers while all this was going on. Wierd profession but great fun.
Again, thanks for reading this and stay safe.